Freitag, 8. Januar 2010

Rum Runners Rum Cake

Seafarers up and down the east coast of North America have always worked hard and risk their lives to make living. Sometimes, that living was made through less than legal means, but it always seems as though they were filling a need in society.
For a period on the 1920s and 1930s, these hearty souls were filling the needs of Prohibition starved residents of the US and later Canada by smuggling rum from Canada and France to their thirsty crowd. The Rum Running years were marked with lost ships, gunfights with the Coast Guard and incredible wealth to the ships´owners and crew.
Gordon Stevens was a Rum Runner from cape Breton in the 1920s and his wife used some of his illicit cargo to make a delicious golden cake soaked with rich, sweet rum. It`s obvious she was the brains in the family as this was the most ingenious means of getting rum to the people under the watchful eye of the authorities.
One day, not so long ago, we stumbled across the recipe for this delicious concotion and now it`s available to you without the risk of incarceration. The weathered recipe card read "Flour, Butter, Rum (and lots of it)...." soon after, we had our first taste of the glorious Rum Runners Rum Cake. We feasted for hours and that night dreamt of just one more bite.
When we awoke the next morning we felt resurrected, and knew we had to have another cake. We also knew that we had to share our amazing discovery and let the world Eat Cake! Inside each Rum Runners box you will find a rich golden cake, topped with glorious pecans & coconut and soaked with rich, sweet rum.
Take this cake on your journeys for nourishment and to make friends, nobody can resist its sweet, moist flavor and everyone will be looking for more.

You can buy these delicious pieces of history in Halifax. The Rum Runners Rum Cake Factory is located at Bishop's Landing, 1479 Lower Water Street.

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